Desktop users
Webfont (self-hosted)
Digital ads
Mobile apps
Document embedding
Custom font name
Usage by providers
Usage across countries
File(s) format provided
Cost per individual font
Cost per subfamily
Cost per family
Desktop users: 1 - 5 users
Print: Yes
Webfont (self-hosted): No
Digital ads: No
Mobile apps: No
Document embedding: Yes (pdf only)
Animation/broadcast: No
Custom font name: No
Usage by providers: Yes
Usage across countries: Yes
File(s) format provided: OTF
Cost per individual font: €6
Cost per subfamily: €24
Cost per family: €90
Print: No
Webfont (self-hosted): Unlimited
File(s) format provided: EOT, WOFF, WOFF2
File(s) format provided: OTF, EOT, WOFF, WOFF2
Cost per individual font: €9
Cost per subfamily: €36
Cost per family: €135
Desktop users: 1 - 5 users6 - 10 users11 - 25 users26 - 50 users51 - 100 users101 - 250 users251 - 500 usersUnlimited users
Digital ads: Unlimited
Mobile apps: Unlimited
Document embedding: Unlimited
Animation/broadcast: Unlimited
Custom font name: Yes* (contact us)
Cost per individual font: €10
Cost per subfamily: €40
Cost per family: €150
Bw JS1 type system (all 19 styles) €150 (+) View subfamilies & individual styles
Bw JS1 basic (5 styles) €40 (+) View individual styles
Bw JS1 1 €10 Jurriaan Schrofer (The Hague 1926 - Amsterdam 1990)
Bw JS1 2 €10 was een Nederlands grafisch ontwerper, typograaf,
Bw JS1 3 €10 In 1952, Schrofer joined the Meijer printing company
Bw JS1 4 €10 Words became autonomous objects under his hands.
Bw JS1 5 €10 Dutch intellectual life, such as Forum magazine
Bw JS1 25 €10 Wim Crouwel and Jan van Toorn eclipsed
Bw JS1 35 €10 Unit Editions published a small book
Bw JS1 45 €10 one of the leading designers of his time
Bw JS1 125 €10 Utterly unreadable. Very good
Bw JS1 135 €10 full of doubts and his rhetorical style is complex
Bw JS1 145 €10 A computer designer before the computer
Bw JS1 235 €10 Jurriaan Schrofer (The Hague 1926 - Amsterdam 1990)
Bw JS1 245 €10 was een Nederlands grafisch ontwerper, typograaf,
Bw JS1 345 €10 In 1952, Schrofer joined the Meijer printing company
Bw JS1 1235 €10 Words became autonomous objects under his hands.
Bw JS1 1245 €10 Dutch intellectual life, such as Forum magazine
Bw JS1 12345 €10 Utterly unreadable. Very good
Total €150
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