Bw Modelica in use

The Spanish digital agency Piensaenweb, recently adopted Bw Modelica as their corporate font and we had access to the first touchpoints that use the new typeface: Their Christmas card and “The Map for Thinking”.
We love the minimalism of the Christmas card and how the red blocks holding the copy remind you of when you’re selecting text on a website.

Designed in collaboration with Local Estudio, The Map for Thinking (Mapa para Pensar in Spanish) is a tool created for helping define briefs and get the conversation going when meeting with clients on a very playful way. With this map you can navigate from Thinking Island to Cape Positioning via Content Management Bay, Project City or Social Media Archipelago.
Bw Modelica is a versatile geometric font family of 8 weights from Hairline to Black with matching italics, 4 widths from Ultra Condensed to Expanded and 2 independent stylistic sets.
We would love to see our font in use. If you want to share what you designed using any of our typefaces, please drop us a line at info@brandingwithtype.com